Raspberry Loose Leaf Tea is a smooth flavourful brew with notes of sweet raspberry that is naturally flavoured and deliciously smooth.
Containing Raspberry leaf, chamomile, rose petals, spearmint, citrus Peel and hibiscus, it’s packed with nutrients including magnesium, vitamin C, iron, potassium and folate.
What’s more, the intense aroma delivers fully with a strong autumnal rich dark fruity drink which is refreshing and intense.
What is Raspberry Loose Leaf Tea?
Raspberry Tea is an infusion of raspberry fruit or raspberry leaves in hot water and the first is usually referred to as fruit tea, while the other is called herbal tea.
Raspberry plant or Rubus idaeus is very popular and widely available because it produces fruits that are delicious and nutritious.
Tea made with raspberries and raspberry leaf has a distinctive flavour and is believed to provide several health benefits and has been used traditionally for centuries
Possible Health Benefits
Raspberries and raspberry leaf both make for a great cup of tea and while one has an irresistible juicy flavour, the other is thought to provide many potential health benefits.
The Raspberry plant belongs to the Rubus genus of the Rose family and its medicinal qualities have played a significant role in cultures and societies around the world.
The indigenous people of North America most famously used it against a variety of ailments and believed that it treated bowel complaints while others thought that it prevented haemorrhage and haemophilia.
Red raspberry leaf tea is also an excellent source of potassium which studies claim may help keep blood pressure in a health range and reduce the risk of stroke.
Is it safe for pregnancy?
Herbal teas have been used by midwives throughout history to help with some aspects of pregnancy and labour, and red raspberry is no exception, having long been used by those trying to kick-start contractions, speed up labour and promote recovery postpartum.
While it is more oftern recommended for the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, some women use the herbal remedy to help with nausea and vomiting in the first as well.
However it must be emphasised that there is no clinical evidence to prove these theories and the effects can be different for each individual. As with any herbal remedy, we recommend that you first consult with your doctor to discuss all potential benefits and possible side effects.

Try our range of loose leaf teas
If you’re looking to make the switch to loose leaf teas, we have a fantastic range for you to discover.
Raspberry leaf, chamomile, rose petals, spearmint/peppermint, citrus Peel, hibiscus
Restorative, Botanical, Mellow
Try as a cold brew and garnish with fresh fruit
You can find out more about our range of loose leaf tea products here https://leafteashop.co.uk/.